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The Design

ANALYZE:  The reason behind the course.

Questions I consider:


1. What is the performance problem to solve?

2. What do the regulations require?

3. What is the goal of the instruction?

DESIGN:  Prepare objectives to learn and assess.

Using Merrill's First Principles of Instruction:


Activation of the student's prior experience

Demonstration of skills

Application of skills

Integration of skills into work






Introduction or roll-out of new product, program, or policy.

Response to a performance issue

Development of staff for growth

Strategy implementation

Regulatory requirement

Improve or ensure knowledge or skills

DEVELOPMENT:  Using learning theories and instructional strategies.

Using Knowles theory of Andragogy (adult learners):



1. Self-Concept (adults are self-directed)

2. Learner Experience (experience is a reservoir for learning)

3. Readiness to Learn (oriented to developmental tasks)

4. Orientation to Learning (shifts from subject-centeredness to problem centeredness)

5. Motivation to Learn (internal)

6. Relevance (need to know why they are to learn)




IMPLEMENTATION:  Development of materials and content.

Using Bloom's taxonomy:


Using guidelines, domains, and categories to put the pieces of each objective together.


Assembling course sequence and activities for optimal learning outcome.


This designs each course to meet the objectives of the lesson.




EVALUATION:  Each learner will be tested for mastery of the subject.


Using a variety of e-learning test methods each student will need to achieve a pre-determined threshold in order to "pass" the class.


Supervisors will have access to Pass/Fail determinations.


Students will be able to print a completion certificate for their records.






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