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A reminder about unconditional love and that all of our nation's elderly have a rich history inside them.

Project One: 

Completed as part of an Instructional Design Program

(Please note this is a fluid project that changes as it is developed throughout the graduate program)

Course Design Document

This document includes the proposal, analysis, and objectives from used in Educ 765.

Supporting Content

Above is a YouTube video to open the training which  helps students to empathize with their patients.




The understanding of abuse and neglect in the long term care environment ensures the resident's right to be free from abuse and neglect as outlined in the federal regulations.  Not only is it a federal requirement, but a humanistic need as well.  Staff that is not versed in recognizing abuse and neglect or events that lead to abuse and neglect may not report the event, potentially causing further incidents.  High employee turnover, along with occurrences of burnout in healthcare workers contributes to the risks of abuse and reluctance in reporting.  These issues indicate the need for effective training.  Based on the goals of recognition and reporting, the opportunities for training include the following:


  • Understanding the types of abuse and neglect that can occur

  • Recognizing when an event constitutes abuse or neglect

  • Knowing how to report an incident

Enabling Objectives Matrix for Terminal Objective One used in Educ 765

The purpose of an alignment chart is so the designer can verify that the enabling objectives are successfully executed.  It clearly defines, for each terminal objective the corresponding instructional activities and assessements.


The designer needs to ask: 

  • what do I want the students to know when they leave this course?

  • what taxonimies need to be measured to show students have mastered the objectives?

  • what are the best activities that I will create to reinforce and prepare for assessment?


The alignment chart format allows the designer to create a visual guide to the instructional plan, ensuring important elements of the design are addressed.


This document contains the student assessment plan and process for learner feedback.


See the DO section on the activities page (button to the right) for a sample assessment quiz.





Supporting Content

Reusable Learning Object Elements from EDUC 767



Course Design Document

This document includes the proposal, analysis, and objectives from used in Educ 767.

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