Seeing Clearly
For those out there that remember getting glasses for the first time. Do you remember how clear everything looked? It’s amazing how...

The Structure of Mathew
Excerpt from Bible study "A better way" from Proverbs 31 Ministries Matthew 5:2 (ESV) "And he opened his mouth and taught them,...

Christian Leader Under Stress
Exerpt from devotional "Leadership: Insights from the Bible STRESS" by Roland Heersink Let’s look at advice from the Bible to help manage...

Rainbows and Unicorns
I have a phrase I love "speak life". God breathed life into us and I believe the power of that breath is expressed in our words. My job...

Popular word these days and for some a "get rich quick" dream. It isn't just the "my 15-minutes and fame anymore," it's how many...

When you travel to a foreign county, I good piece of travel advice is know the loacation of the embassy. The embassy is sovereign ground...

When He said, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matthew 25:40 KJV), He...

All should be done…
In Colossians 3:12 the church Is being challenged to clothe themselves with the virtues of a chosen one of the Lord. The church is being...

Prayer Life
Adapted from Prayer is Our Power Source devotional on YouVeraion. Why do people give up when prayers go unanswered? We see prayer as...

Our Prowling Adversary
From the Devtional by RC Sproul “Understaning Angels and Demons”YouVersion Having considered much of what the Bible has to say about...