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Rainbows and Unicorns

I have a phrase I love "speak life". God breathed life into us and I believe the power of that breath is expressed in our words. My job requires me to be a fire fighter. Not a literal fire fighter, but my job is to go into a place where operations aren't functioning well, systems aren't in place, morale may be low and my job is to put out those fires, to fix it. Because of this, I sometimes encounter negativity or disbelief that it can be fixed. So the phrase I like to use with the teams I'm working with is to start planning as if we are moving towards a day full of rainbows and unicorns. In other words, the day when systems are in place and operations are running well. I encourage them not to speak negatively about what hasn't worked or won't work but instead to speak positively about what is going to work. These are the rainbows and unicorns.

Satan, of course, does not want us to use the power of our words and the power of our breath. He wants us to underestimate the power our words because his goal is the same game plan he's always had: to destroy. His method of destruction is negativity, negative words. It is so easy to accept defeat, to give up, to not believe in the rainbows and unicorns. We can't let Satan succeed, he knows your words aren't meaningless or powerless, he knows there is power in those words even the negative ones. So use that power - create your rainbows and unicorns, speak life into them!

Your words have creative power, God has demonstrated that he used words to create heaven and earth, he used words to create you. God has given us the authority to do the same thing here on earth. So go create rainbows and unicorns. Never forget the power in your breath- speak life!


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