Darkness is only an absence of light
Ever since the fall of man in the garden, darkness has been present. Its pull entices us, draws us in, always promising satisfaction and fulfillment yet delivering disappointment. This sin, this failure to heed Gods word, is an ever present choice in our lives. The choice to follow after the darkness, to reject what God has said draws us away from His presence. This creates the absence of light, allowing darkness to be present. In this separation from God we are separated from His blessings and ultimately His purpose for our lives, we are separated from the light.
“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.”
Ephesians 5:8-11 NIV
We have all faced darkness, living for self, not following God, living in the world. Wanting to be accepted, afraid of offending someone, focused on our selfish needs as we walked in darkness. Not following after God but doing things our way; living according to our pleasure and our plans - living in the fruitless deeds of darkness. What Paul is reminding the Ephesians, and reminding us, is that darkness is the way of the past. The way we used to live is no more and as we choose to follow after God and what He says, we walk in the light.
We each have a choice to make to follow after God and His plans for our lives. This is not just a one time decision to become a Christian but it is a daily choice to put God first in your life, to put His will above your own, and to join Him in the work He is doing on the earth. Do you wish to dwell in the darkness or fill your life with light that emanates into the world?
Step into the light and shine!
