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When He said, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matthew 25:40 KJV), He left us a principle that says, “the kindness and generosity you show to anyone you, in fact, show to me.”

Servanthood is part of the Christian life. The world tells us:

Make a name for yourself

Climb the ladder to the top

Be famous

Watch out for number one.

But that is not what God tells us God tells us:

To be humble (John 13:12-16)

To serve others (1 Corinthians 9:19-23)

To persevere but that you may suffer but you should never be ashamed. (Luke 12:35, 2Timothy 2:15)

Be kind and serve others. To engage in acts of grace and love towards others is not a flaw. There will be times it is not appreciated or you may be called meek and a pushover but those who mock only understand the worldly rewards. A servant of God does not do these things for earthly treasure, our treasure is being stored up in heaven. The biblical definition of meekness isn’t about being a pushover at all, it is about a total lack of selfishness and pride. Meekness is the discipline to remain calm and trust God to direct the outcome.


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