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All should be done…

In Colossians 3:12 the church Is being challenged to clothe themselves with the virtues of a chosen one of the Lord. The church is being asked to put on the virtues of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Let’s look at each of these.

The first virtue is compassion. Compassion can be defined as a deep sensitivity to the needs and sorrows of others. We know that God is compassionate, this is described in Exodus 22:25-27, it tells us that compassion is taking care of others and expecting nothing in return.

The next virtue is kindness. Kindness can be defined as showing grace even when it is undeserved. Ephesians 2:4-7 describes God as kind. God’s kindness can be seen throughout the Bible as he gives grace to us even when we don’t deserve it.

Humility is the ability not to put ourselves above others, or look down on others, but instead serve other people. The humility of Jesus is described in Philippians 2:5-11. It is important to understand that we must humble ourselves in the presence of God who forgave us by grace alone.

Now let’s talk about gentleness. This requires a tremendous amount of strength and a tremendous amount of will to give up your rights, your argument, and your position for the sake of others . In Matthew 11:29, Jesus describes taking our burdens from us. To clothe ourselves in the virtue of gentleness we are asked to quietly take on the stress of others and give them rest.

The final virtue discussed in Colossians is the virtue of patience. Peter 3:9 talks about the patience of the Lord. When I read this passage in Peter it makes me think about how patience can be seen as waiting so that everyone can understand.

All of these virtues should be done…

In love

From love


Through love.

If we clothe ourselves in these virtues in, from, and through love then this is in direct opposition of hate. The world today feels like it doesn’t understand this. It doesn’t understand that …

Respecting a choice doesn’t mean you agree with it

Apologizing doesn’t mean you condone it

Having an opposing opinion doesn’t mean you hate it.

I can disagree with you and still show you compassion and kindness, and be humble about my opinion, and I can promote gentleness and I can be patient, all in love.

All should be done…

In love

From love


Through love.


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