Not ready yet
You may want more now. You may say “God! I can do more! I’m better than this!” The truth is you may not be ready for that place or that...

Jesus Prayed
I was thinking about this… weird right? I mean if Jesus was God why would he ever need to pray? Wouldn't that be like talking to...

Booster Shot
Being a Christian can be “inconvenient“, it is more than a booster shot of good vibes every Sunday. More than an ‘I went to church this...

Being Normal
What is normal? Who defines it? Is it better to be considered different or abnormal? The Oxford dictionary states normal is :...

There is are moments in John 8 when I can actually hear the frustration in Jesus voice as I read the scripture. Jesus is trying to...

God is not a stalker
To illustrate this point I am going to use a passage from the book Stealing from God by Frank Turek. I asked the ladies if they ever had...

Honor Authority
(Such a great word in the You Version lesson on 1 Peter 2) For God’s Sake We all love authority...when we’re the one in charge. But what...

I must become less
During my personal Bible study tonight, a moment in the story of John jumped off the page at me. To set the story, “After this, Jesus...

One Solitary Life
Here an amazing poem, capturing the awesomeness of Jesus life: He was born in an obscure village, The child of a peasant woman. He grew...

Do not set up camp
There will be times in the Christian walk where we are at a low. There are times when prayers aren’t answered quickly or in the way we...