Mental Strength and Hope
(Taken from the 8-day devotional on Peter) Love While You Can Trials will either sour you to God and His people or grow you. As Peter...

Believe Everything You Read on the Internet but Question the Bible
Scary thought? Unfortunately also somewhat true in today’s society. We can almost become numb to the vast amount of information out...

You are responsible
You are responsible for your relationship with God. You determine if you have the discipline to read your Bible, to pray, and to work on...

Connect to Power
Faith can be translated to trust or loyalty. Only when you trust Christ can he make a home in your heart. Do not complain about this...

May I dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. Do not hide Your face from me Lord. Teach me and lead me in a straight...

Get Outside
(Taken from the You Version devo: Call of the Wild) Today in America, we spend 95% of our day inside. Whether it be at home, in the car,...

Wise Choices
We have choices to make everyday, from the simple such as what to wear…to the more complex such as who to trust. The Holy Spirit was...

Cornerstone or Stumbling block?
Jesus is right there, all the time, for everyone. He is the rock, you choose whether it is as the cornerstone or to make you stumble....

The Idol of Happiness
I heard someone say recently that they were making some drastic changes in their life because they just weren’t happy. Their spouse...

She Prayed for me today
Each week my church gives people an opportunity to be prayed over during the last song of worship. They ask church leaders to come down...