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Believe Everything You Read on the Internet but Question the Bible

Scary thought? Unfortunately also somewhat true in today’s society. We can almost become numb to the vast amount of information out there. Sadly, anyone can call themselves an “expert” with no credentials and boast their “truth” all over the World Wide Web; and people will believe it… take it as gospel. At the same time, people will question the validity of

the ACTUAL gospel. Sad and scary to me.

For the doubters you say - how do I know the Bible is real… my answer is easy, I have encountered God by reading it! The next doubter- how do I encounter the presence of God? How do I experience His nearness? I have never felt it, say the doubters.

“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”

‭‭John‬ ‭10:27‬ ‭NIV‬‬

The answer is simple- read His word, get in community with other believers, and talk to Him. Encountering God is similar to encountering a person, a friend. I don’t seek an experience with a friend; I simply seek to know her by spending time with her and gain an experience as a result. I don’t seek to hear the voice of a friend; I simply engage in conversation with her as an act of wanting to know her and hear her voice as a result. And I certainly don’t have intamcy with my friends through the internet. The same with God, talk to Him like you would a friend; He will meet you right where you are. The only thing about seeking God that makes it different is that he is spirit rather than flesh.

Ever “Google” yourself or read something you knew wasn’t true? The internet and what you read on it is not all true….but the Bible is, the word of God is, an encounter with Him is. So, no, do not believe everything you read on the internet and STUDY the Bible, ask questions -

God invites you to talk with him. But don’t question the TRUTH of the Bible.


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