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Have you ever been traveling and it seems your GPS has taken you on the most obscure route? You cannot even get it straight enough in your head to navigate back on your own. Ever feel that way on the path God is leading you through? Well, sometimes I do.

Sometimes I wish God actually gave us a GPS, showed us where we were and what the planned route was - even just a section of it, just the next turn in the journey. I worry (I know, the Bible clearly tells us not to worry (as in Mathew 6:30-33) but I am human after all. I worry that I am goint to miss a turn, take the wrong road, or misunderstand the directions. I actually think about how nice it would be if the GPS simply said pursue THAT job, repair THAT friendship, make THAT phone call, ect... Life is full of so many twists and turns that I worry I will take the wrong route and end up in one of those situations where your GPS says "turn right" and there is actually no road there (don't you hate when that happens?) Then I start thinking about God's will for us and how he guides and protects us - then worry creeps up again and I think, but there is that FREE WILL thing that could mess it all up. Your mind starts going a million miles a minute and even a GPS couldn't keep up. That is when I know I need to STOP!

Stop, take a deep breath and relax your mind ..... then read your Bible - it is not an exact map and certainly not as high-tech as a GPS, but it has lots of good ROADS to follow. Agreed, some may seem a little obscure or confusing at times, that is a good time to RECALCULATE the route through prayer. Relax, don't be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God's giving (paraphrased from Mathew 6:30-33 MSG).

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