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Be Happy

Being a woman can be hard these days. Unlike the days when the Bible stories were happening, life has become more complex and the roles of women have expanded far beyond wife, mother, and nurturer. Not to say their were not historical women who took on leadership, influential, and power roles - but I think it is more prevalent today. We women want people to think we have it all under control - the career, the home, our family, and our relationship with God. CALLED magazine had a great article in their Vol 7 Issue 43 this year that described 8 things happy women do:

1. They save

2. They don't compare

3. They appreciate the little things

4. They embrace the present

5. They are active

6. They have "Me Time"

7. They say no

8. They pursue their dreams

The list seems simple enough, but is it? Remember to put God first, lean on him for courage and blessings and stop trying to be someone else. Remember who you are called to be and the gifts given to you - use them!

Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and be brave. Don't be afraid ...

If you are interested in learning your gifts, you can test on this site:

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