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Too Long

It has been two months since my last post. To say the least, the Holy Spirit has been nudging me but I was resisting. Resisting because my plate was full. A new job, finishing up a college graduate certificate, volunteering more at church, getting ready for the holiday season, and working on a new business I have a dream to launch in the next 18-months. I let myself get stuck in looking upon what was before me instead of continuing to advance His kingdom and the calling upon me for this blog.

Now I have committed to stay focused on this mission and calling. "So, we fix our eyes not on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal" NIV 2Cor4:18

I will no longer fix my attention on worry. (Or at least try really hard.) Instead focusing on His call, His plan, and maintaining my trust in Him always. "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own" NIV Mathew 6:34

Easier said than done, right ladies? One of my biggest fears has always been that I will miss His direction or message. I have even prayed at times and said "Please make it obvious" because I worried I would do the wrong thing and miss the plans He has for my life. Then on Friday, November 13th, I was fortunate enough to hear John Bevere speak at my church on his Good or God tour and something he said made me understand how silly that particular worry was. He said that nothing ever "occurs" to God. Meaning, because He is the beginning and the end and can see all, He never says "Wow, I didn't think of that." In other words, He knows everything that will be in your plan, every scheme of the devil to divert that plan, and the multiple ways He can use to get you back on track. For me, this meant that even if I missed the sign, God would find another way to reach me and get me back on the path that aligns with Him. Wow, talk about a wave of relief and an AHA! moment for me.

Do not take too long worrying instead of doing. Trust, He has it, even if you miss it he will keep giving you the opportunity. You can never fail a test with God, he will keep having you retake it until you get it right!

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