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Gravity is the force which keeps things pulled towards the earth. God reveals to us in Romans 12:2 that we are not to conform to the pattern of this world. God is asking us everyday to look towards Him, look to heaven for guidance, and remember the sacrifice of Jesus.

Watching something on Hulu the other day I got to see some of the current commercials out there in this world. I saw wives being disrespectful to their husbands, encouragement for sexual activities outside of the marriage bed, and one glorifying a show about the devil coming to California for "vacation". They really bothered me. We are surrounded by commercialism and acceptance using its gravitational pull on us towards something that is not God. There are people who are offended by "religious talk" but talking about sinful activities is modern day acceptable. God warned us, there are forces pulling us away from him everyday and we as Christians have to fight to keep our eyes fixed on the Word, the Truth, and the Light. Stay focused, do not get absorbed in the distractions that pattern this world. Let God be an anchor keeping you moving towards heaven and do not let gravity pull you into sin.

John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life". (NIV)

Hebrews 6:19 This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God's inner sanctuary. (NLT)

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