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  1. in a state of peaceful happiness.

synonyms:contented, satisfied, pleased, gratified, fulfilled, happy, cheerful, glad; Mor


  1. satisfy (someone).

As Americans, we are bombarded with thoughts of the American dream, we are bombarded with the running to-do lists in our head. Even when we contently finish one thing, we don't even drink it in without thinking of all those things we have not accomplished. Today was busy for me, work, scrubbing carpets, dog to the vet, make dinner, some quality time with family ...

Then the moment happened, my husband and son were upstairs playing a video game, the dogs were outside, the house smelled clean from scrubbing carpets, but also brewing coffee. It was quiet. I started to think on my to-do list and the business of the day and I just stopped. It was as if a little voice said, be content. Be content with your beautiful family. Be content with your home, your pets, your surroundings. Be content with all the things I have given you and have yet to give you. Just stop, smell, look, listen. And I did...

Proverbs 19:23 (NIV) The fear of the LORD leads to life; then one rests content, untouched by trouble.

I stood there, perfectly still, drinking in the moment. Finding peace in my surroundings, finding peace in my faith, finding peace in my life. I wish this on you, whomever is reading this, drink in a moment. Hug your child, kiss your spouse, pet your dog. Look around at your home, be content in your life. Even if things around you are crazy, even a tornado has a center that is calm. Take a moment.... be content.

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