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What is your word?

We are only three weeks in 2017 and already I feel a little lost. See, I am a planner - I always have an agenda, a checklist, a plan. I even set goals for each decade of my life. Well, as a great country song says "Want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans." Well, mine have veered off my course and I have no doubt it was to set me right back onto His course, but right now I have no map and no plan. I thought I was walking in his plan but now I am replacing uncertainty with faith. Well, I was then challenged to ask God for my word.

My word? Yes, I was invited to pause, to pray, and to consider and listen for the word God wanted to speak over my life for 2017. A word to breathe life, invite me to grow, and allow me to walk in His plan and his presence for this year. I invite you to try it, make time and space to listen as you pray and let God unmistakably ring the word into the core of your being.

My word? I now hear it and see it everywhere. Not the answer yet, not the plan, but the word guiding me there. Ironically, a week later I received information about a movement from My Intent Project called "What's your word". Along with it I got a coupon to purchase a reminder of my word. You can check it out too at:

My word? Ok God, I hear you, loud and clear: PURPOSE

My word: PURPOSE

That is a BIG word! Romans 8:28: and we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose.

Where to now? Not sure yet, still no plan just a word and faith. I do not know where this will all lead, but I know one thing - I will find my PURPOSE this year!

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