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Trust Him, He's Got This

The Lord said to Moses, "Stretch out your hand over the sea so that the waters may flow back over the Egyptians" Moses had already seen the miracle of the water parting, I wonder what went through his mind at that very moment as the Egyptians drew closer to the people he was trying to protect. Well, we know what happens next, Moses stretched his hand out over the sea and it went back to its place, the water covered the chariots and horsemen, it consumed the entire Army of Pharaoh. (From Exodus 14:26-28)

Exodus also tell us "Not one of them (Egyptians) survived." God didn't part some of the sea, rescue some of the Israelites, nor eliminate only some of the Egyptians. He covered it all and He was in control. Have you ever seen God exhibit total control in a situation you though was impossible? He's Got This.

God goes to great lengths with a goal so that none shall perish. Unfortunately, we (us humans here on earth) can be stubborn, disconnected, and unwilling to trust fully in His power. I know, I have those moments too. I can especially be impatient waiting for the plan He has to be revealed. In that impatience we can choose a different path and then God has to help us turn it around to get back on track - if we will listen. We must be still and look to Him for guidance, He is in control even when we don't feel it or see it, even when we are frustrated and think He isn't listening.

Trust Him, He's Got This.

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