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Blurry into Focus

Ever feel like you are unfocused? Spiritually blurry in having a focus in your life, perhaps unstable, maybe even feeling lost. Not a good season, the experience tests your patience, your trust, and you feel the enemy is trying to roar in. You may even feel that someone or something has stolen your joy. I have found in those seasons the best course to regain my focus is to stop, be still, be quiet, and rest in our Prince of Peace. He is beyond our understanding and each step we take has a purpose and is part of a greater plan.

Peace will be our song and our strength when we trust in His ever presence and allow Him to be our strong tower. Rest in the season He has put you in, even when the purpose, the blurriness, and perhaps even the pain is beyond our understanding. He uses every test for his good. To make us stronger; to teardown strongholds that are not a part of the kingdom. I know it doesn't feel good when we are in that season, when our eyes are blurry there is but one course, to fix our eyes on Him. He will guard our heart and soul, He will guide us in peace, and He will ensure we are on the right path.

2 Corinthians 4:18 (NIV)

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

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