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Strong Women versus Fear

Fear is a distasteful emotion, it rattles you and drives you to desire a thing that will never fulfill you such as a need for recognition, acceptance, or dependence on another person. Fear distorts our perspective and takes our focus away from God. I know that when I am struck with fear, it festers like an infection into doubt, and then I start questioning my purpose and place. This is when not only do I need to lean into God and breathe in His word, but I also need to remember that none of us were put here to be alone. I must also lean into the strong women that God placed in my everyday life for support, uplifting, and prayer. When the enemy is launching fear at you is when you need to surround yourself with other strong God-Girls, women you can lean on and pray with, who remind you that you are His princess.

Love, it turns life into a masterpiece and changes our existence into a beautiful symphony. Remember when the picture looks faded and the music seems faint to fix your eyes on Jesus. Lean on your circle of God-Girls, strong women of faith who you can hit the ground with in prayer, praise and sing to your favorite worship songs, or who can help you step back from the situation you are in. Get your eyes fixed on God, the father, the healer, the protector. Cast your cares on Him.

God knows you need that job, the reconciliation, those finances, or that healing. Do not let fear and worry drive you into distraction and doubt. Worry and anxiety rob you of the value of today. Fix your eyes on the maker of heaven and earth.

Remember, You were made on purpose...for purpose...and with a purpose.

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