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3 Conversations Before You Speak

I was reading a devotional today and the author made some very interesting points about using our words to Speak Life. He pointed out that there are three other conversations that are revealed when we speak:

1. Self-talk: the conversations I am having with myself

2. God-talk: the conversations I am having between God and myself; how closely I am walking with HIM

3. Enemy talk: how well I am refuting the lies of the enemy

If conversations between me and Satan are not being managed well, there is a higher risk that I will say something idiotic or hurtful. When the three conversations are all managed well, and in the way God intends, I will speak words that are loving, authentic, wise, and full of life. I will speak blessings instead of curses in the final conversation between me and another person.

The author also notes that we must be careful that we are not speaking from a place of anger, hunger, exhaustion, exasperation, desperation, resignation, or fear. Those postures are ripe for Satan's picking and you are better to keep your mouth closed - at least until you have chilled out, settled down, eaten a snack, taken a nap, and moved your attitude to a place of life-giving peace.

Press into the presence of your Heavenly Father so that when you speak what you say will matter and be full of pertinence, passion, and power. Your words move you, your words move others, chose words that move to call upon others to live well.

~Adapted from Speak Life by Brady Boyd devotional on YouVersion Bible App.

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