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Mothers and daughters go through a series of relationships as time marches through the many seasons of life. As a mother you never stop being loving, you never stop being protective, and you never stop giving advice. Your relationship can go through many seasons with your daughter; as provider and (exhausted) caretaker, teacher, guide, diplomat, mentor, and friend. Many of the seasons are exhausting both physically and emotionally. You will not always agree or see eye to eye and there are times the relationship can be frustrating, but it is all out of love. Daughters need their mothers to guide them with wisdom and love.

I have spent the last week with my mom visiting and I have enjoyed every moment with her. I do not have the fortune of her living close by and life likes to get in the way of visiting as often as we would like. She makes me laugh with her frustration using technology (much like my son does towards me I am sure), and when she looks at me and talks to me I know it is with the never sated need to protect, dispense wisdom, and show love. I can remember when that moment came as a mother myself and so much of why she did what she did suddenly made sense. When you look at the world through your eyes as a mother it does look different. I can only imagine how my loving Father looks at me and watches over me with that same unsated need to protect, dispense wisdom, and love. Like my relationship with my earthly mother, I know she is loving me even when I do not see her. We are His daughter, He is our heavenly father and that is a relationship that cannot be broken by ANYTHING on this earth.

Unfortunately, I do not have the same relationship with my daughter. Almost 4 years ago, she turned away from God and shut out her entire family. She has let go of love, but that does not change my love for her. Just like the times I cannot see my mother and just like the trust I have in my heavenly Father, whom I cannot see, I am always loving her. I still feel that need to protect and I do that through prayer, I still feel a need to dispense wisdom which I now also have to ask to be sent to her through my prayers, and I still have unbreakable love for her. I recently talked to my daughter by text - the first communication I have had with her in 3 1/2 years. At first I thought my miracle - the return of my daughter to me - was about to happen. However, she quickly made it clear that she wanted me to stop pursuing her, stop asking her friends about her, and stop trying find her - which I declined to do. She also asked me what I would do when she changed her phone and moved away; then she told me she didn't love me. My response? I told her I would continue to pray for her, love her, and would be here for her whenever she was ready. She challenged me several times to let go and I repeated the same answer. I will not let go - just as our God pursues us.

The Lord isn't really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent. (NLT) 2 Peter 3:9

Daughters, God gave you your mother for a reason and He loves you. Your mother is human, she will make mistakes but her intentions are out of love. Just as we face trials and seasons of difficulty to make us stronger, these are out of the love of our Father. Your mother is on the path He set for her and there is a path set for you, in each season be grateful for the relationship you have and the unfailing love that it is surrounded by.

When I think about the season I am in with my daughter, I cannot help but think about all the years the Lord was pursing a stronger relationship with me. I can remember when I thought of Him with fear instead of unfailing love. What a difference it made moving into a season of understanding. I have not written about my daughter before because it is a pain I deal with every day - but spending this week with my mom, I felt the Holy Spirit tug at my heart to start talking about it. God is there, I have given this hurt to Him and I rely on His unfailing love to watch over my daughter and to give me strength. He has promised me she will return and I wait patiently with love for that day to come.

O, Israel, hope in the LORD; for with the LORD there is unfailing love. His redemption overflows. (NLT) Psalm 130:7

Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you. (NLT) Psalm 143:8

This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed. (NLT) Habakkuk 2:3

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