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Loose Ends

Friday I leave for my first mission trip. There is a feeling of excitement mixed with anxiety as the final countdown, packing, and preparing are in the last days. Since deciding to go on this trip I have been attacked and on the defense knowing that the enemy is not happy I answered God's calling. The last few months have been a difficult season, but I did not let any of it deter me from this mission.

Today was blessed by God's touch, of this I have no doubt. I have had several loose ends still hanging around that I have been trying to get resolved both in my personal and professional life. Several of which I assumed would just have to be dealt with on my return. Then today resolutions just came flooding in. Answers came, issues resolved, positions filled - nothing short of amazing! I could feel God moving in my life today, working to take all the worries of this world and give me peace as I venture forth for his kingdom in just a few days. The words as I write them, do not even express completely how loved and how grateful I feel today - my God is bigger and can move ANY mountain.

Mathew 17:20 NIV

He replied, "Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

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