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Daddy Issues

If you look it up on the internet, you will see definitions such as - There is a term in psychology called the “father complex” — pioneered by Freud and later taken up by Jung and subsequent thinkers in the field — which describes the neuroses that result from an individual’s poor relationship with their father; OR “Daddy issues” is a phrase you’ll hear thrown around with abandon these days, often whenever a woman dates an older man or simply demonstrates any kind of “difficult” emotion or behavior; OR Whenever a female has a messed up relationship with her father, or absence of a father figure during her childhood, it tends to spill into any adult relationships. Wow, just wow.

Talk about missing the point about being in this world but not of this world (John 15:19, Romans 12:2).

I think they missed it. We have ONE heavenly "daddy", our Lord and Savior, the holy trinity, our only true Father. Look to him for strength, guidance, and protection. It is unfortunate that many of us have had difficult childhoods, absent fathers, or issues with how we were raised. Mine wasn't perfect either. My parents divorced when I was very young and after my dad remarried and had more children he focused away from me and my siblings. The divorce was bitter and the relationship between my parents was bitter. I looked for male acceptance in all the wrong places for many years - I had the worldly definition of daddy issues. I didn't know God the Father like I do now, but I wish I had. On one hand it would have changed lots of mistakes but on the other hand it made me the person I am today. (There is a tough reality to wrap your worldly mind around).

Why am I sharing this? To help others out there find peace. Your "daddy issues" can be resolved with one simple gesture - seek and you will find.

Mathew 7:7 - "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

Your Father is there for you and He is stronger than anything you are facing, His love is more abundant than anything you will find on earth, and He WANTS to be part of you life!

So remember the next time you feel abandoned, unloved, or threatened - you don't have worldly "daddy issues" but you do have an issue if you don't remember that He is listening and He has left you with His loving word.

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