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Peace and Comfort

Peace and comfort are not the same. There are times when God calls us to do something that is scary or even seem impossible; yet there is this peace that you still feel at the core that tells you God is there and trust him. So, you will feel uncomfortable but yet still have a sense of peace over the situation.

This may be something small, such as when God called me out of serving in the first time guest area of our church and into production. Production? I knew NOTHING about production, but I listened and obeyed. Lets be honest, not immediately - I did one of those.... are you sure God, did I hear you right moments first. God confirmed it, I heard him just fine, production.

I remember walking up to the lead for production at our church and saying something like "Hey, I want to volunteer in your area but I don't know a thing." I was nervous, I expected him to laugh at me, but he didn't - he gave me a great big hug, got all excited, and said he would teach me. (Whew, relief ...)

Well, I have been serving in production now for a few months and I love it! It is very interesting, the team is full of great people, and it is a new skill and aspect of understanding how the church operates. God wanted me there for a reason, there are people in that team I have been able to touch in meaningful ways with some wisdom and knowledge I could bring to the team.

God will call us out onto the water. It may be to reveal to us His role as our provider, our protector, or to show us a part of our identity we had not embraced. It can be scary and uncomfortable - but then look for the peace, that is the voice of God leading us into something greater.

I have lots of other stories too - calling me to a mission trip, calling me to lead small groups, and calling me to use my gifts I was neglecting in Exhortation and Pastoring. Listen to His voice and trust Him, He will not lead you away from Him.

John 14:27 (NIV)

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

StartFragmentPeace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.


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