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Stop Being Fine

Why is it that we so quickly respond to the question, "how are you" with the answer "I'm fine"? That answer, saying you are fine, is a way to quickly end a conversation. We don't engage in conversation, we don't let others in, we are fine, they are fine, everyone is fine. This is so not true. Life is messy, we need God and we need community to get through it. The enemy works hard to isolate and intimidate us. There are good days and bad days and stuff that resolves quickly and stuff that lingers - but life is so much more than "fine."

Saying "fine" especially to someone who really cares about you, friend, relative, pastor ... is like you are checked out of life. You are not engaging in community, which God gave us with intention. You close down and do not talk about your mess and then they don't open up either because no one wants to be the one who is not fine. Be strong and courageous, be open and accept grace, be the one who steps out and says ... well, actually I am not fine. Now, I am not talking about the cashier at the supermarket or a total stranger in a parking lot, I am talking about the people you are doing life with.

James 3:18 (MSG) You can develop a healthy, robust community that lives right with God and enjoy its results only if you do the hard work of getting along with each other, treating each other with dignity and honor.

Friendship means at all times in all things, support and love each other. Romans 12:15 (NIV) tells us to "rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn." Be intentional in your friendships. Check your heart, many of us have issues where we are focused on the desire to seek the approval of others (real or imagined), or we want our identity to be wrapped up in our friendships; so, we are not genuine but instead act like the person we think the world wants to see. Be authentic, be you, and true friends will love you for exactly who you are. You do not have to be "fine" all the time.

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