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Fear is a Dragon

Are you stuck in a comfort zone, surrounded by a cave of fear blocked by a dragon? Fear and doubt make us human, but they are also fueled by a very real dragon - the devil. Our enemy, the devil, likes to use our fears and doubts to discourage us from taking risks, stepping out of our comfort zone, and being in an open and vulnerable relationship with others. Staying comfortably in our cave, we feel safe. Our fear of the dragon lurking outside prevents us from the satisfaction of new friendships and new experiences. The dragon of fear wants to keep us alone, frightened, and discouraged. That lurking dragon wants to keep us from stepping out of the comfort zone into loving relationships with other believers.

How about the benefits of friendships; of doing something new or getting to know someone new, or getting to know someone more deeply? New levels of intimacy need your full attention, which pulls your attention away from things like worry and negative thoughts (dragon food).

We need to get honest and make sure the voices we are listening to are from God and not the ramblings of that dragon. One way to tell the difference is to listen to the tone of what is being said. The voice of the Spirit, for example, may tell you to be cautious about a decision, or to take things slowly while getting to know someone; whereas, the voice of the enemy will create panic and fear, it will make a potential failure seem catastrophic and a humiliation. The voice of God is kind and teaching, the voice of the dragon is a critic and incites an argument in your head. God is loving and cautious, listen closely and slay that dragon of fear.

Really good friends even recognize when you are blocked in that cave by the dragon and are there to help you slay it. They recognize when you are withdrawn and out of community. Like Mary and Martha in John 11:17-33 who were angry at Jesus for not coming to save Lazarus, they told Jesus exactly how they felt and they worked through the fear and sadness. They were vulnerable and open with Jesus. The same is good for our deep friendships, be honest when you are happy, and angry, and sad. Do not let that dragon trick you into thinking your friends aren't going to be there for you, think differently about you, or disappoint you. Fear is a dragon and we must slay it!

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