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Carry the Message

I was reading a devotional recently that talked about how there are still pockets of churches and religious leaders who think women should not be part of the ministry. Really?! There are many stories of women in the bible who had important roles in carrying the message of grace and salvation. There are also women of today who carry that message. Yet, there are still debates in today's age about where and when and how God can use women in the ministry. Well, he does and he has. Let me share a few stories with you:

God used a woman, Mary, to carry his son. God used two women, Mary and Martha, to carry the message of Christ's resurrection back to the men; they broke the story of the good news. How about a more modern tale? Helen, the mother of the Emperor Constantine during the fourth century. She set out on a quest to find the true cross upon which Jesus had died. Some believe she actually found it, and according to records she then spread pieces of it to churches all over the world. People were moved by the reality of the cross and the emblem of agony and suffering turned into a sacred and sacrificial symbol. More of the good news being accepted and spread over the world, by a woman. On a personal note, my church has many amazing men and women who teach and preach the word of God every Sunday. Each brings a unique perspective on the word and brings the word to life. I am thankful that my church uses each member's gifts, no matter gender, as God has blessed them. We do not refer to anyone as just the pastor's wife, but we refer to her in the unique role she is gifted to do. Our lead pastors are husband and wife, and each step out in faith and speak the word.

The bible challenges us all, men and women, to be strong in the faith and to go out and make disciples. Women are not looking to be in a spotlight, women have given their very lives on the front lines to serve Jesus. We support the men of God as well as the women. Women are prayer warriors who love the Word of God and use it to combat evils everyday. I believe the gifts God gives us should be used and have nothing to do with gender. That said, women also need to be supportive of each other, lifting up the gifts of each one with no jealousy, judgement, or or Judas.

Mathew 28:19 (NIV) Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

Isaiah 40:9 (NIV) You who bring good news to Zion, go up on a high mountain. You who bring good news to Jerusalem, lift up your voice with a shout, lift it up, do not be afraid; say to the towns of Judah, "Here is your God!"

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