In The Waiting
God is good. That is never a doubt in my mind. God will care for me, I do not doubt that either. But, you see, I am a planner. I like to know what his happening, when it is happening, and even the why. So FAITH can be a struggle sometimes when I am trying to plan and the path, the answers, the PLAN is unclear. But God...
Two songs immediately come to mind, they have been my listening calm over the past few months during this time of waiting:
Take Courage by Bethel (click HERE for You Tube video)
Just Want You by Sarah Reeves (click HERE for You Tube video)
My spirit knows, my heart knows, but that darn flesh and humanity keeps tripping me up with What ifs.... Fear of making a bad decision..... and Worry.
Mathew 6:25-34 clearly tells us not to worry. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own (Mathew 6:34 NIV). So, why do we struggle?
Well, I have learned that fear, anxiety, and worry is not a reflection of a lack of faith. I talk about it constantly with God, in my prayer closet, on my knees, even lying down - but the struggle is still there. I ask my wonderful tribe of faithful women to pray with me, I lean on my amazing spouse, but the struggle is still there. Life is messy. There is no testimony without a test. God wants us to stretch, grow our faith, and lean on him. I get can be hard, which is why I chose to write this post. I am smack in the middle of a season of waiting, trust, and hope. You are not alone in a journey of worry - just do not let the enemy take hold, stay in prayer, and find peace in talking with Abbah.
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Jesus Christ. (Phillipians 4:7 NIV)