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A Platform of Influence

From the devtoonal ”Beyond Blessed”, devo written by S. George Thomas

Once upon a time, there was a good king who ruled over a kingdom of light, love, and peace. One day, the king commissioned an ambassador to represent him in a foreign land ruled by a cruel dictator—a kingdom of darkness, torn apart by strife. The good king wanted the people of the other country to know he welcomed them to enjoy the safety of his land. As the ambassador prepared to depart, the king reminded her they could always call on him whenever they needed help.

Do you know who that ambassador is? It’s you! The day you asked Jesus to be your Savior and Lord, you became a citizen of another kingdom. But beyond that, you became an ambassador of that kingdom and its King, with the privilege and responsibility of representing Him in this world (2 Corinthians 5:17–20).

The Greek word for “ambassador” in the New Testament is presbeuo, which shares the same root as “presbyter”—a word used to describe church leaders. So while you may not be a pastor, you are an ambassador. And just as our pastors are accountable before God for how they steward the words they speak from their platforms, each of us is accountable to God for how we steward our circles of influence—including what we share on various social media platforms. Because for better or for worse, social media is a significant platform of influence.

Think about this. The average American spends 135 minutes a day on social media. This means over a lifetime, we’ll spend five years and four months on social media compared to only a year and three months socializing with friends and family in real life! But as ambassadors of Jesus, our social media platforms are not ours. They are a part of the sphere of influence God has entrusted to us. And you and I are each called to steward that sphere of influence wisely—to be salt and light (Matthew 5:13–16).

Now hear me out ... I’m not suggesting the only things you should post on social media are Scriptures, sermon quotes, or what God’s spoken to you that day. A lot of what we see and post on social media is just sheer fun—and fun is great! It’s great to post pics from an awesome meal you had on a night out with your spouse. And wanting to stay in touch with the ongoing daily lives of your family and friends is wonderful as well.

What I am suggesting is this—what if you pause for a moment before you post or share anything and ask yourself these questions: Is this post life-giving? Does it create peace? Am I posting this comment out of kindness and love? Does it spark joy, laughter, or even just a smile? Am I bringing encouragement and hope?

If you can confidently answer “yes” to any of these questions, then rest assured you are representing your King well.

PRAYER Father, thank You for giving me the privilege to represent You in every area of life. I want the things I post to bring encouragement and life to my sphere of influence on social media. So I’m asking You: Will You give me wisdom and help me be sensitive to what You want me to post today? In all that I do, I want You to be glorified. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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