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God should never be an afterthought.

This world has been giving us the wrong message: The world says to do “all the things” and fit God in with the rest.

If you attempt “all the things,” insert Stress. Pressure. Chaos. Failure.

If you seek God over it all, insert Peace. Blessing. Order. Approval.

I prefer the latter - albeit there are times I fall into the trap of the distractions of the world. One more show, one more chapter, one more quest… then i’ll rush through a quick devo or Bible read so I can check it off my daily list. Is that what really qualifies as time with God? No… no it isn’t. I feel terrible every time it happens.

I heard a joke once that the worst decision ever made was “I’ll get gas before work in the morning.” Inevitably, you end up running late or behind a line of traffic. Rarely, does it work out. Don’t make that same decision about time with God … “I’ll give Him a few minutes later”…inevitability it doesn’t work out.

God isn’t an afterthought. He isn’t after I (you fill in the blank), then I will give God whatever time I have left. He isn’t a daily checklist item. He is the beginning and end and so too should be in your day. He is a loving father that wants precious, quality time with you and to speak to you. So, make Him your forethought. Give Him a rightful place of importance in your life. Then, see Him bless yours!


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