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Princess, do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

- Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)

This devotional was written by Paper Sunday and was a MUST share.

Every time something arises that gives you anxiety or you find yourself worried and stressed… pause, and take a moment to give it to God. Scripture tells us not to be anxious about anything. So how do we cast off anxiety? The first step is to go to the Lord in thanksgiving and make your requests known to Him. Ask and thank Him for His help. Pour out your heart and lay the burden of stress and anxiety at His feet as many times as you need. At any time in the days of life, always seek God first when it comes to anxiousness. Had a stressful day at work? Pray. Saw or heard something that made you anxious? Pray. Overwhelmed by the future? Pray. Overwhelmed by the present? Pray. Worried for a family member? Pray. Remember that God is much bigger than your problems. Do not focus on the issue, but rather look up towards your Heavenly Father. ​Think of the trials you’ve gone through in the past and how the Lord has brought you through every. Single. one.

Your path may not have looked like you thought it would, His timing may not have been yours, but rest assured He never left your side or abandoned you!

After you’ve asked for the Lord’s help and made your requests known, the next step is to let go of what is making you anxious. This is not always easy. Sometimes we need to repeatedly let go of the same thing multiple times in a day because we are so used to holding on to it. Reminding ourselves that God is our refuge, safety, protector, healer, strength and savior can help us in this process! Once we’ve learned to let go of things outside of our control and allow God to do the rest, His supernatural peace will guard our hearts and minds. ​Today, choose to pause and pray whenever anxiety tries to enter your mind. The Lord is faithful to come to our aid whenever we ask! ​“Lord, help me to come to you in prayer in every situation that arises. Help me to let go of every burden and lay it at your feet. I receive your supernatural peace right now.”


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