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Be a light at work

God is the one truly running the business. The wise thing to do is to stay in constant touch with headquarters for guidance on what direction to steer the business. It is what the Lord meant when He taught us to pray “Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:9 KJV).

Strong words to run a business by. But think about it, the difficult decisions, the hard choices, instead of agonizing over them what if we just asked God? Lord, be the CEO for me, give me wisdom and guidance in all of my decisions and leadership. Choosing to incorporate God into your business is an act of faith and worship because you understand that your success is tied to God.

If it is success it is God. If it is a time of trial God will get you through it and if you truly give it to him he will lead you to peace and prosperity. Work always with integrity, never forget WHO you are and WHOSE you are.

Integrity is a much deeper concept than may appear initially. Beyond dealing honestly with others, integrity also means dealing honestly with ourselves, which is the foundation and fuel for excellence. Yet integrity stretched to its fullest can become misshapen and so we require the counterweight of compassion, which is why it says in Proverbs 3:3, “Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: ...” (KJV)

Keep the right CEO in charge and work with integrity and compassion. You will be the light at work bringing others to a positive environment and letting them see Christ through you. Be the light!

Photo by Matheus Bertelli:


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