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Have you ever gotten dressed in a hurry while buttoning up a shirt, sweater, or jacket? Suddenly you realize that the buttons are off, misaligned, or crooked. Once that first button is placed incorrectly the rest of the buttons all continue to be wrong.

Thinking about this today in my quiet time with God, I had an AHA moment. When I am in a hurry and don’t spend time in the word before bed and time in prayer in the morning - my day is off. Like those darn buttons.

If you have ever experienced this, you also know you cannot start fixing it from the bottom - somehow it still ends up with the shirt wrong. You cannot start from the middle - it will definitely be misaligned. You have to start with that first button.

I start, and end, everyday with God. Get that first thing right and everything else lines right up. Sometimes we try and backtrack from the bottom of a mistake or have a do over halfway through… but just like those darn buttons we have to start rightly at the beginning- at the first button, then - and only then - does everything line up as it should. Once that first button is lined up the rest are easily undone (forgiven) and we can set everything back into alignment.


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