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Even when you cannot see

Excerpt from Devotional on You Version: 21 Days to Overflow::

Often, we assume nothing is happening if we cannot see it, but this is not the case at all. Think about it like this. If there was work occurring outside of the place you are in, and you could not see it, would it mean that the work would not actually be happening, because of your inability to see it? Or if you cannot see inside the grocery store across town, would that mean that no one is shopping? Absolutely not. However, this is how many of us choose to live our lives. We are saved, filled with the Spirit, and faithful to God and His church, but we are oblivious to the fact that Satan is constantly working in this realm, and so is the heavenly host.

The eyes of our understanding must be enlightened, so we may know the hope of His calling. This way we don’t have a mere surface understanding or knowledge of what His call is. Instead, we can know the depth of His calling. We can know what He wants to do with our calling.

In Ephesians 1:17-21, it speaks on this enlightenment. Paul says he is praying that the “Eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you.”

As I read this my eyes were shown once again the vast marvel that is God's word. What an amazing analogy! Both Heaven and hell are working even when we can't see it. I don't know about you, but I prefer to be on the Heavenly team revealing to me the right path. God is working even when my earthly eyes cannot see it.

I know I become impatient with God sometimes, wanting the answer now... the move now... the door opened now. Then I remind myself that I must trust in His timing and His plan. Trust He is working for my good even when I can't see it.


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