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One of those people

Had an interesting encounter last week at work. A group of people were talking about the big pot of money in the lottery and the fantasy talk began: what would you do if you won millions of dollars. People chimed in with purchases and trips and then eyes looked at me.

My answer was quick and without hesitation: First, I would tithe to my church. The room fell quiet and the man who started the fantasy talk looked at me and said: "Your a tither, one of those people." Maybe I should have been offended, or felt judged, but instead I swelled with a sense of joy and simply responded: "Yes I am."

I am one of those people...

-Those people who walk by faith and not by sight

-Those people who talk to God everyday like my best friend

-Those people who read the word and find wisdom and comodest

-Those people that believe there is power in prayer and answers in the Bible

-Those people who have given it all to the Lord.

In the words of Casting Crowns:

'Cause I'm just a nobody, Trying to tell everybody, All about Somebody, Who saved my soul.

The response was a quip to my answer but I planted a seed. “Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.” (James‬ ‭3‬:‭18‬ ‭NIV‬‬). Maybe those in the room will think about "those people" which will soften their heart to think about "that person" which will lead them to Jesus.


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