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Stop Letting the Enemy In

The world has become so busy being angry and offended that it has openly allowed Satan to steal joy. The enemy, the real enemy - Satan, used to be stealthy and sneaky, it seems to me that nowadays he blatantly causes division and disruption and people don’t even fight it. Correction, they are fighting - but the wrong enemy.

Honestly, it is frightening how many people I see posting on social media, hear talking in public, and listen to speaking on television that don’t even see the flaw in their offense. They are so busy getting riled up about small things they are missing the big picture. They are missing their own joy.

Do not misunderstand me, I do not support bias based on race or gender, I do not support racial profiling, I do not support gender bias, nor do I support anyone being treated as less

than anything but a human being, a child of God. That said, some of the things I read and hear are innocent misinterpretations or simple misunderstandings that are blown way out of proportion and instead of talking to each other about it we get angry and offended.

We expend tremendous amounts of energy complaining - instead of talking to God. Too much time feeling hurt behind closed doors, where

the enemy whispers how we are not loved - instead of confronting the source of the pain and working on forgiveness.

Too many people are hurting that need love. The love of community and the love of God. We don’t always know a person’s history, their stressors, nor what bias they may have previously encountered - but we can show them there are people in the world that just love people - all colors, all genders, and all histories. All can be redeemed by grace.

We need to stop letting Satan win, this is a war, a spiritual battle, and not one soul should be forgotten. Stop letting him steal joy!

“Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭4:31-32‬ ‭NIV‬‬



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