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Sun Dial

Jesus is always there, always in tune with your life. Jesus is constant, he does not change. Jesus never shifts. Jesus is there to talk to, to hear your prayer and petition, and to communicate back through the spirit.

Even the earth shifts and causes the sun to shift in our sight. This is how sundials came to be the keepers of time. When the sun is at its peak and casts no shadow then the sundial reads noon. Noon, the highest point for the sun in the day, the sun at its peak. Only but for a moment as everything shifts and the shadow on the dial then read another time. The shadow shifts and casts differently beyond its height at noon to tell us the changes in the time.

When James references the "shifting shadows" in James 1:17 this is exactly what he is talking about. Jesus is always at his peak, He does not change or shift like the shadows on the sundial. Jesus is always at His highest -noon- and always at his best. He is always at his best for you, even when you are not at your best. So reach out to him, he is constant and doesn't shift. Ask Him and he will respond.

Most people understand prayer as a way to ask God for something. The word pray comes from the Middle English, "to ask earnestly" and the Latin, precari, which means "to entreat". So, that definition makes sense.

Jesus told his disciples to ask, seek and knock, and, in the original Greek, these verbs were written in the present active imperative tense, which means that they literally mean: Keep on asking, and you will receive… Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. There is a sense of habit, of repetition, of a reward for prayerful perseverance.

Jesus is constantly there, at His best, waiting for you.


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