Swine over Salvation?
In reading Mathew 8 this evening, I became intrigued by the last verse:
“Then the whole town went out to meet Jesus. And when they saw him, they pleaded with him to leave their region.”
Matthew 8:34 NIV
He saved men of the town from torture, yet instead of showing gratitude they want Him to leave?
Verse Matthew 8:34. The whole city came out — Probably with the intention to destroy Jesus for having destroyed their swine; but, having seen him, they were awed by his presence; and only besought him to depart from their borders. Many rather chose to lose Jesus Christ than those temporal goods by which they gratify their passions at the expense of their souls. They love even their swine better than their salvation.
Clarke, Adam. "Commentary on Matthew 8:34". "The Adam Clarke Commentary". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/acc/matthew-8.html. 1832.
It baffles me that they preferred to deny anyone else healing, that they preferred to protect their property over time spent with the light of the world. They were idolizing their property so much that they were blinded and unable to see the miracle before them. How sad.
This blindness, this ...
"I don't need your fantasy stories from the Bible"
"I don't need saved, I save myself"
" Christians are .... crazy, boring, delusional, stupid, don't have any fun"
"Jesus isn' t real, He can't help you"
I even found this on a web search:
I know it’s the “word of God,” but it’s the word of your God, NOT mine or everyone else’s. Here’s the thing with Christians — they think that their God is the God of everybody. “It’s what’s written in the bible.” Fine. But you also need to understand that there are a hundred religions out there that claim that their God is the one true God too. You can quote me a new bible verse each time you rebut my points, but that’ll only make you look extremely childish.
Saying true happiness is only found in the peace of God is stupid. Thanks for invalidating whatever happiness I’m having in my life right now. Because it’s really up to you to decide what is true happiness and what’s not true, isn’t it? Also, you’re sounding like a fucking salesperson at a fucking Prada store. “Hi Mdm, I think you really need this new imported bag. It’s gonna make you real happy.”
So wow! Satan has done a bang-up job of convincing the masses that Christian beliefs are a joke. That only dumb, narrow-minded people buy into that nonsense. The world says let me work hard and get what I deserve, only I have the power to ....I don't need Jesus.
I wonder what would happen now if Jesus showed up, and a miracle caused financial harm? Unfortunately, I think the same - He would not be embraced but instead run out of town.
Don't run Jesus off!! His miracles are for you!
