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The Script

There is indeed a grand script of life already written, and we have a purpose and a place in the story. When we go to God, we are asking him to reveal the script, to lead us.

Now, could you imagine how it would be somewhat presumptuous for an actor to enter in on the stage, and proceed to write his own script? When God speaks of everything working together for good for the believer, it is in the context of one who is seeking to walk in the purpose of God for his life; not one who is defining his own path and asking for God to bless the path they are paving.

Still, it is often the case that some ambiguity sometimes remains about the question of whether or not we are walking in God's purpose for our lives, and pursuing His vision; it need not be so. Once we can clearly see that we are being molded into the image of His Son, we can rest assured that we are on course.

God has already written the script. We are playing it out even though we did not read it ahead of time. And even if we get off script, God has plans to get us back to where we need to be. Trust that his plans are good.


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