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Worldly Beatitudes

I was reading Mathew 5:3-12 joyfully known by Christians as the Beatitudes. These versus describe blessings we live in. As I pondered over these and then looked at them through the lens of current society it was saddening.

Blessed are the poor in spirit - a Christian challenge to cry out to God for help. The worldly is this is frowned upon because pride says you don't need God you to pull yourself up by your bootstraps, suck it up buttercup.

Blessed are those who mourn - a Christian concept that God is with us and gathers our tears. A worldly idea tells us not to mourn and not to feel sadness over worldly sin. The world says I can do what I want and be what I want and rules and definitions are stupid and arbitrary.

Blessed are the meek - a Christian view that humility and gentleness are glorified in God who has ultimate authority over all. The wordly view says that this is frowned upon and the louder the bully the more attention received.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness- a Christian perspective that the world cannot satisfy our needs and true fulfillment only comes from God. A worldly perspective says money, fame, power, possessions, and control will satisfy us and make us feel happy and whole.

Blessed are the merciful - a Christian belief to grow, to repent, and to forgive. The world says that revenge and pride rule.

Blessed are the pure of heart - a Christian view that it is not about the outside such as going to Church, being a nice person, checking off the good Christian list; but it is about what comes out of the heart. A worldly view says that if I am living right by the moral compass I have created then that is good enough.

Blessed are the peacemakers - a Christian conviction that we sense conflict and have a desire to resolve it. The worldly mindset says that if others don't like what I do then it is their problem not mine.

Now I hope you understand why this saddened me. We don't see trusting God and caring for others as a blessing in this fallen world, we are seeing it as weakness. I want to shout from the rooftop: Let me tell you about y Jesus!

My Christian sisters, don't change. Never see these blessings as weakness, keep showing others forgiveness and compassion, keep calling on God, keep his word on your heart.


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