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You Left Him

He loved you, He called you princess and made you His bride. His promises were never said there would be no days of hurt or suffering, but that He would be by your side fighting through them. He accepted you with all your flaws, but the first time He didn’t answer your prayer you left Him.

He tried to return to you, to fight for you, but you let the spirits of apathy and selfishness win you over. You broke His heart because you are his beloved.

The moment He asked you to surrender you began to back away, to build walls, to stop communicating. You were not willing to let Him lead, or to let Him help you. You left Him.

When He reached out to you, to engage in His promises, His word, and His love you turned and looked away. You began looking for another idol that made you feel cherished instead of letting Him fully into your heart. You never let Him in, not really, you were doting on the surface but never let Him deeply into your heart. So, you left Him.

He cries for you as your hand slips further away from His reach. He wants to protect you, care for You, and in return be loved by you - but you left Him. Instead of digging deeper into that first love you looked for another idol to keep your attention and give you a false sense of belonging instead of the deep relationship you need.

I pray forgiveness and redemption for you but I worry it may take until eternity to realize what you have done. Others cry for you and pray over you and your lost heart. I will continue to pray for you and that you find your way back.


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