The Good News
God wants us to spread the Good News. As Christians we want to bring others to the same love and peace that our faith has given to us. ...

Fight Negativity
Offense, negative thoughts, doubt, worry ... all tools of the enemy. Do not allow your thoughts to be consumed negatively. Meditate and...

I can remember when I was a teenager, I had a silly t-shirt that read something like this: Knowledge is Power Power Corrupts So study...

Thinking on recent events in my life and just spending some time with my best friend, God, I was reminded of a scripture: Malachi 3:10...

Beautiful Woman
Oh beautiful woman of God. You are clothed in strength and dignity, and you laugh without fear of the future (Proverbs 31:25). Why do...

The Door is Unlocked
God is not unreachable. Too many believe that they have walked too far away, done too much, or become so lost that the door to God is...

Gravity is the force which keeps things pulled towards the earth. God reveals to us in Romans 12:2 that we are not to conform to the...

When I think of God pouring His love out over the earth, my state, my city, my home, and each individual person I think of a rushing...

Don't Let "Life" Get Between You and God
Wow, life is busy. Sometimes we feel like even sleep needs to be scheduled. Everything is planned out, scheduled, and most of our time...

All The Married Ladies
Ephesians 5:33 If you and your spouse are not familiar with it, you need to be. Read it, live it. It is God's directive for...