Blurry into Focus
Ever feel like you are unfocused? Spiritually blurry in having a focus in your life, perhaps unstable, maybe even feeling lost. Not a...

Connected. In this day and age we all can Facebook, snap chat, Instagram, tweet, text, FaceTime, on and so on and instantly...

Trust Him, He's Got This
The Lord said to Moses, "Stretch out your hand over the sea so that the waters may flow back over the Egyptians" Moses had already seen...

What is your word?
We are only three weeks in 2017 and already I feel a little lost. See, I am a planner - I always have an agenda, a checklist, a plan. I...

Prayer of Power
Ok, this might sound a little silly, but stick with me and read it entirely before you shake your head. And, it's my blog anyway LOL....

Difficult Decisions
Time to be very candid and personal. The past few months have been very difficult for me, the past several weeks full of anxiety. Have...

EXCERPT FROM: The Necessity of Stress | Heads and Tales at Marin Academy[if lt IE 8]> <link rel='stylesheet' id='highlander-comments-ie7...

con·tent1 kənˈtent/ adjective in a state of peaceful happiness. synonyms:contented, satisfied, pleased, gratified, fulfilled, happy,...

Too Long
It has been too long since my last post. So, let me spill out all of the excuses - started a new job, computer wasn't working right,...

The Struggle is Real
June has been a whirlwind for me, actually the last few months. There are times, though, when I realize God was preparing me for exactly...